There is no textbook that covers cutting-edge research; however, the data management community has produced top-quality textbooks that can serve as references to provide background material. The class is based on recent research papers which will be available to you through the Brandeis network.
An excellent paper in the database field is the following:
Readings in Database Systems. P. Bailis, J. Hellerstein, M. Stonebraker, editors.
Recommended Readings
- Architecture of a Database System. J. Hellerstein, M. Stonebraker, and J. Hamilton. Foundations and Trends in Databases. 2007.
- The Design and Implementation of Modern Column-store Database Systems. D. Abadi, P. Boncz, S. Harizopoulos, S. Idreos, and S. Madden. Foundations and Trends in Databases. 2007.
- Data Structures for Data-Intensive Applications. Manos Athanassoulis, Stratos Idreos, and Dennis Shasha. Foundations and Trends in Databases. 2023.